Primitive Playground

When I was diagnosed type one diabetic,
everyone knew what I was in for but me.
The only life I knew was that of an athlete,
and I lost control over my fuel source.

But what I did next sparked the single
most proud accomplishment in my life.
I turned to my parents and told them
this is going to fit into my life.
It took seven years, but
I upheld my promise to both my parents
and to myself.

When I was diagnosed, I was shattered.
My world fell to pieces, but in that process-
the deepest breakdown of myself I could
ever experience- I got to know each and
every piece I am made of.
I found courage, strength and eventually,
self-assurance. I picked up every piece
that I wanted to salvage and I fit them
back together efficiently. By doing so,
I find I can live effectively.
That is the type of fitness I believe in.

You are made of unique pieces. Get familiar with them.
Primitive Playground is about finding how they
'fit' together efficiently, in order to live more effectively.

Evolution used to mean only the fit survive,
today it means those who are fit, thrive.

Joseph Fiorucci
Tampa, FL