Pray for a cure

At the age of 37 years old I was diagnose with a pancreatic tumor the size of a baseball. This was 23 years ago. Back then not much survival rate for someone with a tumor in the pancreas. I was told I wouldn't survive the surgery but my faith in God and I new in my heart I would live. I thought I would become diabetic right away but it wasn't until 2004 I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I also found out its genetics so not much I could do. So I learned how to manage it. At first I was taking oral medication until it effected my liver and now I take insulin and no fun there ;( . Now only was I diabetic but my husband too. I hope someday there will be a cure for Diabetes. So for now I just pray and have faith in God to help me live threw this disease. So I continue to live and do what I love my art, my modeling and most of all spending time with my family. God Bless from Texas

Sylvia R
Houston, TX