Peyton- The bravest boy I know!

Peyton was 6 years old when we found out he had type 1 diabetes. He was thirsty all the time, and started wetting the bed which he never did. One day while at Charleston WV to visit my mother who had just had surgery noticed how he looked sunk in and his bones were showing terribly. He started throwing up and decided to take him to to the children's hospital right away. His sugar read off the meter, and with blood work found it was 1,365! Everyone was in shock, wondering how he was talking or walking. This was one of the highest readings they've recorded.They said if I would of put him to sleep that night that would have been it. He was immediately hooked up to IVs and was in the hospital for 5 days. We were educated and introduced into a new way of life. We were so thankful that he was alright, but devastated for him. He takes 3 to 4 shots a day now. He's still currently in the " honeymoon stage" where it's up and down- crazy. He has a aide at his school and nurses come in to administer his shots there. He's adjusted well with it and has been such a brave little boy! We hope to soon get a pump and keep praying a cure is found! He is my rock, my miracle! He is 8 years old now and still going strong! We hope more parents get educated and know what to look for in their children. I feel so very lucky we caught it before it was more tragic! Praying for all those affected by diabetes!

Ashley Taylor
Mount Lookout, WV