Perfectly Fine

Hi everyone. I have been reading a lot of stories recently about how some people found out they are diabetic. A lot of people get really sick and get put in the hospital. Well heres my story. I was 16 years old. It was in October. I was going to the Dr for a sports physical because i played basketball. I had been feeling fine! Not anymore thirsty then usual. I didn't lose any weight and i wasn't using the bathroom more then normal. So the doctor began the usual routine exam and then asked me to get a urine sample. She came back and told me my blood sugar was 330. She called my mom and told her that i needed to not eat after midnight and to check it in the morning. Fasting, it was 150. Too high for her liking, so she sent me to a hospital about an hour away to a specialist. Turns out i was very lucky. They caught it in the very early stages. I could have gotten really sick. But thank God i didn't. A week after all of this i was going on a cruise i am thankful it was found before i left or it could have been really bad for me!! Since then i have done pretty well with it. I have had a few bad lows, my lowest being 28 and highest over 600, went to the ER that night! Needles and sticking myself do not bother me, and i am not ashamed of my disease and i am the first to educate people about it. I was put on an insulin pump when i got pregnant and been on it since. Love it! I'm very thankful there was nothing wrong with my baby, he was just born a little too big and a little too early ! (6 weeks early and 8 lbs!) anyway, that's my diabetes story, God bless you all!

Ashley Forrest
Cobbs Creek, VA