Not always true

I have changed my diet - exercise - lost weight - all of the things that should make a difference - and still have problems - it is NOT always a lifestyle issue. I have TYPE 2 and was diagnosed at age 31. I was a heavy drinker and did not watch my diet but was in very good shape. I was in the military and was in places that have now been found to have been exposed to chemicals that cause diabetes. I cannot prove my existence in those areas so I don't get any pensions for it. It was my job and I had volunteered to do these things and not report them. No problem, just explaining. I have no proof that this may be the issue. I have family with diabetes so genetics could also play in. I hate it when everyone reaches for diet and exercise as that is not always the answer. It hurts the ones of us that does not work for. I would appreciate it if you folks that have these issues would keep it to yourselves as it it damaging to the ones with REAL issues. You have issues with your lifestyle - I have issues with my body. I need help - you don't Researchers are not looking for cures because of you. They are writing off Type 2 as a lifestyle disease and not studying issues like mine. It is sick as you people cannot control your lives. I have worked 35+ years and have tried everything and still cannot get things under control please stop the blame game and the lifestyle stuff - if does not help people with genetic and other real issues. Let us get help and stop the "I cured my own diabetes by losing weight" It does not always work and it hurts the ones that it does not work for.

Glenis Nelson
Knoxville, TN