My Story

I was 9. I remember being incredibly thirsty all the time. I would melt ice cubes down to fit in my mouth. I was also going to the bathroom a lot and having accidents at night. I had also lost 30 pounds in 2 weeks. My mom took me to the doctor thinking that I had a kidney infection or something. They took my blood, this was before glucose machines :) My sugar was 898. They told my mom to take me to the hospital. We went home to get some things and to tell my dad. On the way home my mom was crying, I didn't understand what was going on. She told me I had to go to the hospital. I was stoked! At the hospital, I was so dehydrated that it took them 13 times poking me to finally get blood. I think I was there for 2 weeks. They taught me how to give myself shots, by practicing on an orange and eventually allowing me to do it myself.
Things were going well until I was 14. I guess hormones and things got out of whack, because in April, I went into a Diabetic Coma from low blood sugar. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom. My dad was in the living room watching TV. When I came back through I told my dad good night and I love you. I felt weird, not like low, but like something was not right. The last thing I remember was closing my door. Apparently I had called out to my dad and then passed out. They checked my sugar. It registered as LO on the machine. They called the ambulance. When the paramedics arrived, my sugar was 15. Then, in November, I went into DKA and spent some more time in the hospital.
Fortunately, I have not had any more major issues. I have been a diabetic for almost 32 years. I do wish I would have taken better care of myself, and consider myself lucky to still have my eyesight and all my appendages.

Jackson, MS