my story

this is my daughter rosa she was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at the age of four on dec 8th 2012 rosa had gotten up she was throwing up but she was still drinking and playing around but she would not eat and she used the restroom alot on dec 9 2012 she got up still throwing up she looked worst then she did on the 8th as the morning went on she started to look really pale as the day went on i was brushing her hair she couldn't sat up i had rushed her to the hospital when we got there they rushed her to the back and told me she had dka which has to do with diabetes her sugars were 1962 they told me if i didn't bring her when i did she won't be here today her a1c were 13.9 today she is a happy fun loving child who sometimes don't want to take her meds her sugars are still going up and down she gets sick alot but she is still happy

debra mcfeeley