My Story

Hi I'm Brad

I was diagnosed with diabetes Jan 2011.. My story started with me having bronchitis which I was treated for and came home to recover .. I had been feeling sick and run down for months prior to going to the doctor but thought I was just overworking and stress .. As I was home I began getting worse instead of better. The first thing I noticed was I could not get enough to drink all day and all night and finally ending up bed ridden and vomiting ... I had my blood sugar tested and would not even read so off to the ER I went . I was rushed back already being told I was acid ketosis which brings a fruity smell to your breath .. My blood sugar was 948 and I was passing out ( I hardly remember the day) sweating ,shaking .. I was admitted and given a insulin drip along with 3 shots a day for a week ... I was released and the doctors told me I escaped a coma and probably organ damage ( my kidneys are ) if I had waited another day... Then the fun started.. I had to learn to deal with this disease , eating , exercise , attitude
, not feeling like I was different . So I put my mind to it followed what I was told to do and made my own changes for me , everybody's body is different .. You have to learn your body to fix it.. Today I am 95lbs down and insulin free after 5 shots a day. My point is get your mind right and take care of your precious body.. Always remember diabetes never goes away .. It's not a death sentence .. Attitude is everything !! I did it , anybody can ... Improve yourself and improve your life ... And don't think things will change overnight , it took me 1 year to get there ... Set a goal ... YOU CAN DO IT !!! God Bless


Brad Burges
Arlington, TX