My Story

I am 41 today and was first diagnosed at the age of 20 with type 1 diabetes.Turns out i had it as far back as the age of 12.
Long story short damage from the disease and smoking have led to the loss of my right leg below the knee. I have had several surgeries due to diabetes and dvts (deep vein thrombosis aka blood clots). I have been lucky to have had 5 blood clots removed and several stents
placed to keep iliac arteries open.
I am the proud owner of a prosthetic leg. lol. i can still do just about everything i was able to do with two real legs.I just have to go about whatever it is in a different manner than most people. I have walked a different path than most people. I've been through things most pp wouldn't begin to understand.I wouldn't change a thing bc it's made me who i am today.
My advice is if u need the prosthetic limb...please get it! There are bumps along the journey but u can get thru them.I hope to inspire at least one person in my life and I hope and pray some day they find a cure for this disease. This pic of my first tattoo is my bday present from my husband

Henderson, KY