My Story

My name is Jorie,
September 27th is my 22nd birthday and I have been living with type 1 diabetes since the age of 4. It used to be so easy when I was young but when I turned 13 everything changed. I became inattentive to my diabetic needs and just wanted to be like every other person in the world and not have to count and track and watch. So I ended up in the hospital the same time every year for the next 6 years of my life with.... you guessed it DKA. my levels were well over 600 and my A1C was above 14. I just didn't care, I didn't want every meal planned out for me n having to be dependent on a medication to live. The doctors told me if I didn't start taking care of myself I would start losing my sight, having kidney failure, etc. Finally, in 2012 I met the love of my life and he didn't only give me a purpose he gave me goals and a chance at a normal person's future. After we got together and I started taking better care of myself I found out I had diabetic retinopathy. I was devastated. It was like no matter how hard I tried there my diabetes was to tear me down. I don't have it completely under control I still have old habits but I'm trying to be as healthy as I can so I can have kids and a future without disability or blindness. I have come a long way but I still have so long to go. I just got my pump in the mail and now I have to go and train for using it. I'm so excited and can't wait to see what my future holds.

West Branch, MI