My Story

Hello my name is Meghan and back in October of 2009 (I think that's the right year) I was told that I have type 2 diabetes. I had just moved in with my boyfriend at the time (now husband) in 2008 and I went to the doctors because I hadn't had my period in 7 months and I thought I was pg but all the test I had took told me that I was not. So, at the doctors she took a lot of test and sent me home and told me she would call me to let me know what my test said that was the longest few days of may life when my cell phone finally rung I picked it up and it was my doctor. She told me that she wanted me to come in so she could talk to me I was so scared that something was really wrong with me but I never in a million years thought it would be diabetes. When the doctor first told me that I didn't know what to say I set there holding my boyfriends hand (again now husband) trying not to cry there was a lot of things running though my head I couldn't wrap my head around it. She was so nice she explained it all to me in a way I understood then put me on pills and sent me on my way. I still have trouble dealing with it I've given up a lot because of it. Then just a few years ago my husband was told he also had diabetes. Its nice that he also has it because he helps me deal with it. Every day is a struggle but I'm working on it. I'm also trying to lose some pounds but with having diabetes it hasn't been easy.

Brookfield, MO