My "Special" Life

People say I'm special and I get lots of special attention. But diabetes is a lot more than that. Its needles and alcohol swabs. Its sickness and its annoying. But most of all, its money! It takes time to get used to, and once you're used to it, its annoying already.
I was 6 years old. I was sick and weak. I was using the restroom lots. My mom was concerned and took me to a doctor. They took some of my urine and tested it. The results came out as a U.T.I. After asking many questions, they took my blood sugar, and found it to be 396. They looked mom in the eye and told her to take me to the hospital immediately.
After getting to the hospital, the anxiety caught up with my emotions and my whole body was weak. I remember getting hooked up to tubes and screaming. My family was there for me and holding my hand. I couldn't believe what was happening to me!
I had spent those few, horrible days trying to figure out what to do and how to take care of diabetes.
Since the day I was diagnosed, five years ago, my life has been nothing but "special".

Raylee Martinez
Blue Springs, MO