My Saddest Day

I have been a Type 1 diabetic since 1968. When my diabetes was discovered I was 16 years old. My doctors said that I probably wouldn't live 20 more years. I am now 62 years old. When I first became diabetic, there was no inhome technology to help manage our disease.

I moved from doctor to doctor to try to find one that truely understood the challenges presented by being type one diabetic. Finially in the last 3 years I found a doctor who understands. He understands because he too is a type one diabetic. He is a great doctor!

I know this isn't a political forum, but here is my saddest day.

My saddest day came just a couple of weeks ago. My doctor informed all of his patients that due to the restrictions imposed by obamacare, He will no longer accept insurance payments or government assignments for payment. Everything will be a cash in advance for treatment. It is now too expensive to hire staff to do the paperwork required to meet the federal criteria for payments.

If you have any political capital, please lobby to get rid of obamacare!

Randy Aly
Hearne, TX