My New Life

I was diagnosed with type one diabetes when I was 23, now I’m 27 years old. I started loosing a lot of weight, I was thirsty all the time and I was going to the bathroom a lot. I was eating like crazy and I just looked ill, my face was very pale and I looked very tired.
One night, I felt so terrible. I was vomiting so my mom and boyfriend took me to the hospital. They said it was just a flu and they send back home. But the days were passing by and I continued really sick. Three days later, I was taken back to the hospital because I wasn’t getting any better. I got my blood sugar checked. It was 418 and the doctor said I could go into a coma at any time, I was in ICU for a week, I was in DKA and my potassium level was really low.
I was off work for 4 weeks after being released from the hospital, and I found out that I couldn’t see clearly because the high sugar levels had affected my vision.
It has been hard trying to change my eating habits and maintaining my sugar levels. It can be very stressful, and I was depressed and in denial but I know I am very lucky to be here and have no permanent damage. Now, I have an amazing 2 years old boy who makes my life completely happy, he gives me strength everyday to continue with my new life. My husband and my family are also my support through this process.
My dream? My dream is that one day I could say “I USED to have Diabetes”

Zoraima Garcia
Monteria - Colombia

Zoraima Garcia
Monteria, Colombia