my life with T1D

I was a sophmore at the University of South Carolina when my weight dropped from 175 to 122 over a 3 month period, i finally admitted something was wrong when i was so weak i could barely use stairs. My girlfirend took me to the hospital where i was diagnosed as a textbook case, there i stayed for the next two weeks. getting diabetes made my world stop, it changed my dreams and made me realize i was not invincible (many teens do feel they are invincible). I also realized that i would have to be a responsible person so i could afford to care for myself for the rest of my life. In the 33 years since that week, and the first time i heard a cure is 10 years away, the tools for managing my disease have improved dramatically. My life while not perfect works and i am still here 33 years later, Has this experience make me angry or bitter? No, it is what is is and i have tried to live with my disease and never let it rule my life. I still backpack, mountain climb, go out eat great food and manage my disease. I am diabetic and i can live with that.

Chris Hill
san jose, CA