My Journey So Far With Type 2 Diabetes

I knew prior to diagnosis that I was at risk for type 2 diabetes as it runs on all sides of my family and hasa 50/50 chance of being diagnosed with it... I was diagnosed in 2009 and by 2010 I was diagnosed with one of the worst cases of diabetic never pain in my age group 30 somethings and I have battled ever since to get my mobility needs met and find the correct treatment for my needs and recently in early 2015 I have found 2 alterantive treatements that are offered at the teaching unniversity that the clinic that serves me as a patient that are actually very effective and they are Yoga that is adaptive specifically for chronic pain and accupuncture for the same! I have also been able to meet my mobility needs with a walker and power wheelchair that I uses one or the other to get around as my diabetic nerve pain is so great that it causes my legs to randomly go from under me and I have fallen on a few occassions so thank goodness for these 2 miracles and for those that don't think so there is light in the tunnel ahead and research being done to make these problems better and or be cured!

T. Allen Lumsden
Portland, OR