My fight

About 2 1/2 - 3 years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes that's bad enough. I have asthma, migrains, I also have PTSD, anxiety and severe depression with flashbacks. The diabetes came on s so quick that they found out it was from.a drug called prednesoin doctors have been handing out like candy for my asthma. I had troubles keeping the insulin I would throw up right after I had such a hard time finding one that I could tolerate. Finally I did but not before the damage had been done. Hospitalized 6 times in 1 Summer season. I have no insurance so my doctor appointments are once a month and expensive the meds and needles I take as well as testing 2 x´s a day my doctor wants me on for blood tests once a month but can't cause I don't have the money. So I eat right and sometimes that doesn't help always.
I want a cure so bad so I can be okay and live a full happy healthy life. I try my doctor wants me on SSDI for help. The government is taking their own sweet time with helping me. I'm waiting on a court date, I have a lawyer that had to take my case federally. They kicked out back to SSDI. Neurons ifs again hanging onto it and not giving answers. I frustrated and so is my attorney. She is a good one. But the fight huge.
Angelique Anna McClellan - Seattle, Washington.

Angelique Anna McClellan
Seattle, WA