My diabetic life

So at the age of 11 I found that I was a diabetic. When I found out my blood sugar was over 1100. The doctors were surprised that I walked in and talked to them with a blood sugar that high. I was also told that I was am hour away from dying that day. After about two weeks in the hospital I was finally let out. Since I was three years old I wanted to join the Army. I talked to a recruiter and was told that I will never be a soldier like I wanted to be. After a few days of crying I felt like my was ruined by God and it was his fault that I had diabetes. I blamed him for everything and got so depressed that I attempted to kill myself. Lucky for me my brother stopped me. I thought to myself later on and regretted attempting what I did. See God or diabetes didn't ruin my life. It just led me to better future. A future to were I could help others that have and are going through what I did. I put my faith in God once again and started to see the future he has planned for me. Diabetes is a horrible disease but it has changed my life a lot good and bad. But all in all put your faith in God and you will see that no matter what happens, what he does is always for something better in your life. And that's my story about living with diabetes.

Mnt.City, TN