My diabetes story

Well, my names lucy and im 20 years old. Coming up on the 17th July it will be 4years since i was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. From around april i knew there was something wrong and having a sister who was already type 1 i knew i had the symptoms. But, it was my important year in high school sitting my gcses an knew i couldnt have anything ruin my studies. My mum seen a complete change in her healthy athletic daughter. My weight dropped to 5 and a half stone and all i was doin was sleeping and eating sugar. I cant imagine the stress i put her through. I completed my last exam and my mum dragged me the doctors, i was underweight, tired, drained and the doctor who knew my blood sugars were hitting 33 said that there was no way i was diabetic because i was 16. So i refused to go the hospital for a blood test for a week as the doctors are alwats right arent they? Wrong! I went to the hospital and had my bloods taken to find out as igot home i had blood poisoning and had to be rushed into hospital.i was in for 4days and thats when i felt like my life went downhill. Just because im diabetic doesn make me different to anyone else. I struggled through my gcses while being ill and ended up passing 12 exams and getting better than expected! I am now a student at edge hill university with 2 jobs and a volunteering job too. Il never forget that day being told my life was about to change. If anything, its changed for the better as i am alot more stronger and determined to do what im on this world to achieve! Thats just a little insight to my story, i want people to know that they shouldn be scared as you are never alone. Thanks to my story its made me who i am today.

Liverpool, United Kingdom