My diabetes story

I was young, smart and energetic but suddenly that all changed when I started drinking loads (I would have a 2 litre bottle of pop and still be extremely thirsty), going to the toilet loads (Waking up 3 or 4 times a night), I lost 1 and a half stone, I was eating like crazy and I just looked ill (My face was very pale and I looked very tired). My mum noticed these signs and searched up online what it could be. She suggested to go to the doctors because all of these signs were symptoms of diabetes. I was 12 years old and only knew that it had something to do with needles. I was extremely scared because I always had a fear of needles.

When I came back home from school, the same day I came back from the doctors, my mum came rushing home saying I had to go to the hospital as soon as possible. At this point I was shocked. We rang my dad to tell him to pick us up. When we arrived at the hospital, they told us I had type 1 diabetes. All my family was shocked because no one in my family has got this . I went in hospital on the Tuesday night and they said my blood sugars were 32! I had to stay until the Friday so I could learn about this disease. I got the hang off this, however I spent my nights alone in hospital due to my mum having to look after my younger sister and crying because I thought I was very ill.

To this day I am very healthy and look after my blood sugars which are between 4-7. I get support of my family and friends who I love very much. Just remember we are stronger than diabetes and it will not stop us from doing ANYTHING!

London, United Kingdom