My Brave Girl

One night when my daughter was 2 she got very sick. She was throwing up and very thirsty. This continued all through the night. Towards 7 in the morning i looked at my husband and asked him to clear a path to the main road because we had had a snowstorm overnight. He asked if I was going to wait until the clinic opened at 9 and I replied " No I was taking her to the emergency department." He asked me why and I told him that she wasn't throwing up right!! She is the youngest of three so i know how my kids get sick!!!! When we got there the doctor asked if she had ever had her sugars checked and i said no why would she? He checked her sugars on the meter there and it said 30.8 he then told me that he thought that they were higher than that and he wanted to do some blood work. I told him fine just do whatever you can to find out what is wrong with her. when her blood work came back her sugars were 50.8 or 914.4 mg/dl. they rushed her to the childrens hospital when we got there there were 4 nurses, 2 doctors and an EMT waiting for us in the emerg. when we were being moved into ped ICU later that evening I overheard one of the nurses say that if we had been 1 hour later she very well could not have made it. After all the tests we found out that she was severely dehydrated as well. the only thing that wasn't affected was her brain. but after a few days on insulin all her organs were back to normal!!! We were so lucky that day. She has now been on her insulin pump for one week and is loving the freedom that it gives her. The picture is the day she first had her pump she was so brave and so proud!!!!

Jenille Meade-King
Placentia, Canada