my beginning

Hi. My name is Holly. I'm 24 & I've been diabetic since i was 14. This is my story.

It started in middle school. I started feelin always tired and hungry. i was a high honor student. well, because of my tiredness i would sleep in then be late. this led up to me being in truancy court. In mid year eighth grade i got really sick. i was really pale and couldn't keep anything down. I lost 50lbs in 2 weeks. my mom got nervous and brought me to the local e.r. they told us i just had the flu and to try to keep me hydrated. it didn't get any better and i was worried abput triancy because i had missed so much school from being sick. so one day i woke up on time and dragged myself to school. i walked and it was at the top of a hill. i made it to the top and all i remember is the truancy officer saying my name and sayin are you ok then everything else was a blur. i woke up in a hospital bed with a surgical i.v. and my parents smiling and my dad crying. i had no idea what happened. the doctor came in and told me i am a rough kid. I had been in a coma for 3 days. My blood sugar was above 1500, yes that's fifteen hundred. i didn't understand. they said my body started to shut down and i was so dehydrated they couldn't get a vein for an i.v. so the had to surgicaly get one. I stayed hospitalized for a week and educated on everything. ever since that day its been a roller coaster struggle. I've been hospitalized multiple times for dka and dehydration. I've gone through the denial stage. I have a 4yr old son and ever since i had him i havnt been hospitalized. he's my motivation to get back in control. he needs me. of i can do this, so can you :)

Holly Picchioni
woonsocket, RI