My amazing Son, Father and mostly my friend!

My son John Thomas Madison is now 23 years old with two beautiful Daughter's. When we first learned he had T1D I at age 10 our lives changed forever. Every morning for about a week he would wake up sick to his stomach but he would still go to school and seemed fine the rest of the day. By day 5 he had no energy, was extremely thirsty and pale as a ghost. He came to me and ask if he could go to the doctor. By the time we got to the ER his blood sugar was 750. Immediately an ambulance whisk us away to a children's hospital where we would spend the next three days learning how to give shots, count carbs etc....Our lives were forever changed. He has had extreme highs and even scarier extreme low blood sugars that were so low he was going into a diabetic coma and an ambulance had to be called when we could not wake him up. Now that he is an adult most people don't even know he has TD1. He never complains and never feels sorry for himself. I pray everyday for a cure for this relentless disease!!!!

stephanie cleveland
palm coast, FL