Mommy and Daddy's Hero

On July 18 2014 our world changed. Our precious 2 year old daughter was diagnosed as type 1 diabetic. On July 13 2014, I was in the hospital having Taylor's little sister Lizzie. We had noticed Taylor just didn't look right and was drinking a lot. My father in law actually mentioned that he hoped she wasn't diabetic. When he said this, I thought to myself, no not Taylor. She's only 2. Two year old babies don't have diabetes. On July 18 we woke up and Taylor told me she had a headache and started vomiting. I assumed she had a stomach virus . My mother in law came and got her so the virus wouldn't be passed to our newborn. She only became more ill as the day wore on. By the afternoon she was extremely lethargic and very labored breathing. She was brought to our local hospital where they immediately suspected diabetes. They checked her sugar and it was 505. She was sent to the PICU at Vanderbilt Childrens hospital where we learned she was in DKA. Then I had no idea what DKA was and how extremely serious it is. Now that I know it makes me sick to think of that time and how close we came to losing our baby. After several days in the hospital, Taylor was back to her old self. Only now we know she is diabetic. She celebrated her 3rd birthday in August and is doing great! She is so smart! She knows how to check her sugar and knows the differences in her novolog and lantus. She is too young to draw up the insulin or inject herself, but I have full confidence when the day comes she will do excellent. She is the strongest little person I know. My heart is filled with joy every time I look at her. She is her mommy's hero.

Callie Briley
Portland, TN