Miss Marty

Miss Marty was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a month after she turned 3 yrs old. She got the chickenpox from her older sister and never seemed to recover. I took her to the doctor 5 times during a two week span, they kept sending me home telling me to give her popsicles and Gatorade, that is was a stomach virus. The last visit on Thursday they drew blood, but told me to keep giving her liquids and popsicles. Friday evening she was not responding, her eyes were glazed over. I already had a feeling something more was going on, but when that happened I rushed her to the ER. And what a shock it was when I found out she had Diabetes! Her blood sugar was over 800! She weighed 19 pounds, she was 34 pounds. They rushed her to a pediatric hospital where she spent a week. (btw, on Monday the doctor called and said to get her to the ER and fast, a little too late) I remember crying as she cried when I had to chase her down to give shots with her older sister helping me hold her still! She has been through so much, many seizures, and a diabetic coma. And then at the age of 12 was diagnosed with JRA. She is now 19 years old and going to college to be a Pediatric Neonatal Nurse!! She is a fighter and I could not be more than proud of her!

Denton, TX