Meet Katy, Strong and Brave

Shortly after Katy turned 16, we went back east for a visit, we had just moved to Michigan. We noticed that Katy had started drinking a lot and was always thirsty. We figured it was due to traveling and staying in hotels. When we got home we noticed she had lost weight, and was still extremely thirsty. I called the Doctor, but since we had just moved there we had to wait 2 weeks to see anyone due to being a new patient. My friend told me she though she had diabetes, but I didn't think so, since there's no history of it in our family. By the time we got to see the Doctor she had lost 25lbs. The first thing the doc did was draw blood and do a urine test. She walked in the room and said "Katy has Diabetes. You need to go home and pack a bag and go right to the hospital, I'm calling them now, they will be expecting you." We just cried together. I Drove home, told my sons to look after each other, called my husband and we left for the hospital. I had no idea how to deal with diabetes, I knew nothing about it. We spent 3 days in the hospital learning. Katy said, "I will not let this disease control my life, I will not go back into the hospital!" My daughter is the strongest women I know! She hates this disease and all that comes with it, but she doesn't let it get her down. She has been horseback riding since she was eight, she volunteered at a rescue center and earned a horse of her own! She is now 24yrs old, married to wonderful man, working and is about to graduate college! She is so strong willed, nothing slows her down, especially Diabetes! I am very proud of her!

Lisa Butkiewicz
Gregory, MI