Loving life

I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1995 and have struggled ever since, I have went through a divorce, weight gain and high sugar counts you name it it. I have a wonderful wife (Paula) and 2 wonderful children one boy (Connor) he is 8 and one girl (Kenzie) she is 3. I have struggled for years with keeping my numbers in the normal levels. I have been very lucky going through seizures several times with "STACKING INSULIN", too much guessing and not enough knowing how to control my diabetes. I have since gotten a Endocrinologist and on a pump and found a eating program and supplements that works for me. I used to eat everything I could get my hands on so I know what it is like to "Like" eat and even "LOVE" to eat even though it was what was killing me. I feel so much better now and I know that I will be on this earth a little longer than going down the road I was on, with all of that going on my Dad was diagnosed and a good friend of mine and we have combated this together and they are no longer in the diabetic struggle and that is very awesome! We are all very active now because since getting rid of this disease and an better controlling it we have the ENERGY to live instead of sitting on that couch and thinking about what can I eat today even though I just ate. So with that being said I just want to say "I love you all" because I know that you struggle, I am a brother in arms so to speak so keep up the good fight and DO NOT let the reaper in because he will knock on the door with arms full of cakes and cookies just send him away and say "NOT TODAY" I hope this has helped someone. Let's finish the race and finish strong.

Diabetic Dan
