Living with type 2 diabetes

Waking up everyday with a headache, constantly going to the bathroom and drinking what seemed to be gallons and gallons of water? At the age of 15 that is what was happening to me. I went in for a random checkup at my local doctors office. When the doctor walked in with pamphlets and brochures on type 2 diabetes I was (as any kid would be) freaking out. The doctor told me I had type 2 diabetes. I wasn't sure what that meant or even what I was supposed to do.. The doctor explained to me that my blood sugar was sky high, and it was a miracle that I was even alive. (blood sugar was 760) they gave me my medicine and asked me to come back in a week. I was good about taking my medicine and working out for the first couple of months, but later on in my life I just gave up. I was tired of working out and not being able to eat what everyone else was eating. It wasn't fair! So I stopped taking my medicine and stopped going to the doctor. Until one day I was taking a bath and I felt really dizzy, I went under the water to wash my hair and I lost consciousness. My boyfriend came into the bathroom and found me under water. He rushed me to the hospital. After 8 hours of being stuck and poked and messed with, I finally got released. My blood sugar was 801. I went back to taking my medicine and doing good.. for another year or so. Just recently I had a miscarriage and went to the doctor to find out why. My sugar was 735 at the time. They hooked IV's up to me and yet again put me on medicine. Now I'm taking oral medicine and insulin 3-5 times a day. It isn't by any means easy, and sometimes I just feel like giving up. But I am only 22 years old, I still have the rest of my life ahead of me.

Robbie J
Blountstown, FL