Life Changing

Hi! I'm Julia, I am 15 and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes about two months ago. I was losing a lot of weight over the summer and still during school, and my parents did not know why. I was about 92 pounds. I then started to get flu like symptoms right before Christmas. I kept throwing up and then I would be fine and go to school, and then get sick again. My mom then made us an appointment to go see my doctor to see what was wrong. On the day we went I was feeling fine. When we got to the doctor they asked a lot of questions and decided to do some tests. When the doctor came back into the room she told us that we had to go straight to the hospital. I was so confused on what was going on. They told my mom that my blood sugar was around 570 and that I was to go straight to the hospital. My mom and me both started to cry. I asked my mom what was wrong and she said that it was type 1 diabetes. I knew a little about diabetes and was scared of what was going to happen. I had always hated shots and I realized that I would be getting them for a while now. We went to the hospital and I went straight to a room. Luckily I only had to stay one night and got to go home the next day. I was a very long two days. At first I was so mad, I don't know what I was mad at but I hated it wondering why it had to be me. My blood sugar is now under control and I am doing so much better. I was mad at first, but then I thought to myself, it could be worse. It may be life changing. but you can get through it. Like they told me you control your diabetes, don't let diabetes control you!

Peoria, IL