Lesson learned

In 1978 two weeks after my 15th Birthday I was put in the hospital for diabetes. I didn't really know what that meant at the time until I was told that I had to take shots for the rest of my life.
For the first three or four months I did really well until my doctor said that I could have something sweet once in awhile and I took it the wrong way cause I was eating candy every chance I got.
My blood sugars would be high but I thought that if I got really active I could make it go down and I was wrong, so I took better care of my self until I was 19.
I ran into this man who told me that if I put my trust and faith in this God of his I will no longer have to take my insulin.
Well needless to say I did what he said and I ended up with a blood sugars of 1500 and almost died.

Today I am still paying the price of it but I take better care of my self by eating right and taking my insulin.
Although I still deal with the things that comes with having diabetes but it is more manageable by listening to what my doctor says.
Being 50 years old now makes me wonder why I didn't listen to what I was told not to do and take better care of my self when I was younger.

Quincy, IL