Learning to live freely with type 1 diabetes

My daughter had been not active for about two days & would barely eat. She vomited before bed one night & finally I decided to go to the hospital. I advised that she had been urinating & drinking more than usual. Her sugar level when checked was over 400. I immediately began to cry & worry, since diabetes is in my family history. I still keep wondering is it something I missed or did wrong. At the age of 2 we were then rushed to another hospital & stayed for a few days until her levels were normal & I learned to give insulin & know what symptoms to look for or pay attention to. At the age of 4 now, my daughter knows how to check her levels, let you know if she is sick or her sugar is low. She knows what to drink & not to, to ask someone to check carbs when she eat, she can tell you what she needs to bring her sugar up, she'll remind me mommy is it time to get checked or time for my shot. I'm blessed to have such an intelligent angel, that knows her health condition at a young age. We may have emotional times but, we're getting through this together. She asks though mommy when will my diabetes go away? It hurts me to have to tell her it won't or just wishing I could trade places with her. Overall I'm glad to see all the supportive websites and stories of others with type 1 diabetes. (;

Utica, NY