Just got Diabietes

I am 24 year old and just graduation 5 years of university. I was on winter break, I go home to be with my family. Most of the time I notice I always been thirsty and never stop drink lot of water. I go bathroom like 20 times a day even night time I wake up to go bathroom. I don't understand why I cant stop drink lot of water. Then I went back to school. I still drink lot of water and go bathroom lot. In my college, lot of people said wow I look lose weight lot and look good. I was confused I did not eat lot healthy and not excise much. I been too busy with my school. Then by March, my friend and my roommate suggest me to see doctor, they knew it something wrong with me. So I went there to check up with my body. They test my sugar and it was 350. They told me I have Diabetes. I cried lot, and mad at myself for not take care of myself. There nothing I can do because I cant miss anymore school. I am senior and soon graduation. I have to deal with lousy foods café college have. I have to wait until 2 months to finish my school and go home. I been struggled with this lot thought rest of the semester.

Right now I am home and learn lot about my diabetes. I have type one diabetes for 7 months since and still counting. I am still new about this and read all other stories about their life being diabetes. I am glad I am not only one who been thought this. Now i understand how we all feel about this. I wont let diabetes ruin my life. We all stay strong. :)

Berlin, MD