Jackson's Story

Jackson was six years old and it was summertime. I didn't notice
Jackson guzzling waters and soft drinks because it was hot and no big deal. For about two weeks he wet the bed every night. I just thought he was exhausted and drank too much before bed. Well, my washing machine broke and I needed a replacement. I called my mother to explain my situation and how I had to wash all the bed linen because of the bed wetting and I really needed a new washer ASAP. My mother having a strong family diabetic background knew right away something was wrong. She insisted that I check his blood sugar with her glucometer in the parking lot at Lowes. He was 302. We called the pediatrician and were instructed to go to children's immediately. After 3 days in the hospital I was emotionally drained and completely exhausted. The one good thing that happened to Jackson was that his diabetes was virtually caught the minute it started because of my mother. He was never "sick" other than the bed wetting and lethargy. He was in his honeymoon phase for weeks after being diagnosed. He's very fortunate we caught it before he went into diabetic coma.
Its been 3 years now and We've had many ups and downs, But my son is my hero! He has never once complained about having diabetes. Only once did he lay on my bed and say "Mom I wish I didn't have diabetes." It took everything inside of me To not completely fall apart. I simply said to him "I wish you didn't have diabetes either, but you have to look on the bright side of things. At least you don't have a disease that kept you in the hospital. You were able to come home with your mommy and daddy. Think about the children who didn't get to come home." He never said it again. My son Jackson Mercer is MY HERO!!!! I love him with ALL my heart! Diabetes doesn't control us! We control diabetes!!!!!

Mindy Mercer
Washington, PA