It's life changing for the entire family!

Jan. 29, 2007! I called my sons Dr and said I just needed to get him in sometime in the next week! She asked why, I told her that he'd been extremely thirsty and needing to use the restroom A LOT! (Diabetes was completely foreign to us) her response was "bring him in now, those are signs of diabetes" WHAT? Low and behold they had a bed ready for him at Childrens Hospital San Diego within a couple hours and so OUR journey began! 6 years and I still wake every time I hear him up at night due to low blood sugar, I don't watch his football games, power lifting or track meets, I watch HIM, not just because I'm a proud mom, which I am :-) but rather his actions/reactions. My phone is never off, the school nurse and I text and talk, i ask him daily how his blood sugars were! Sure he's 16 now and I've had people tell me "I need to let him take responsibility for his actions" NO I am his mother, he will always be my baby and while he is very good (usually, he is a teen) about it, he has a life threatening disease and until we find a cure I will ALWAYS be there and look after my child!

Karey Penman-Waelchli
Cleveland, OK