It won't happen to me

There I was in the Doctors Office about 1 1/2 years ago with him telling me I was diabetic. I am very obese and my Grandfather had the same kind Type 2 Diabetes. Everyone always thinks it won't happen to me well, I am here to tell you that is not always the case. I started sharing with everyone that I knew and I also started hearing a lot of really bad horror stories and I didn't want to be one of those. So, I started exercising and eating healthier and the weight slowly but surely started coming off. I have lost a little over 60 pounds in the last year and my blood sugar is right around the 100's in the morning. I have come to terms with this disease and I simply live my life day to day, the best I know how. I was devastated when I first found out and now I am a work in progress, striving to meet my goals. I will get there one day and hopefully I won't have to take any more medication.

Chrissy Molen
Patterson, CA