It'll all come out in the wash.

In 1998 when I was 8 years old, it happened. I was falling asleep in school, had lost a lot of weight, and was constantly thirsty. My teacher sent me to see the school nurse, who checked my blood sugar and immediately called my mom. I remember that on the way to the hospital I kept telling my mom "please don't let them give me a shot!" And then I learned that I would be giving myself at least three shots a day. Forever! I have definitely struggled to control my diabetes, I've gained weight, lost weight, been on injections, pump, pens. For a while, the hospital was my second home.(Seriously, the doctors and nurses knew me when I walked in)

In 2008, I met a man, fell in love, got pregnant...I had a really rough pregnancy.Some mornings I would be unresponsive and my boyfriend would have to either shove cake icing in my mouth or call the paramedics. Then, it would get sky high. And my blood pressure got high. And every germ in town landed on me and I stayed sick with colds, viruses, etc. I spent the last 2 months of my pregnancy in the hospital. I felt like I was in jail and the walls were closing in on me! The only upside was that I had an ultrasound and got to see my little fella every single day.

On April 15th, 2009, I finally gave birth. He was a perfect 5lb 13oz healthy baby boy who we named Brian. He is now almost 5 years old and he is my best friend, my world!

I still struggle to control this disease, but I'm slowly getting better at it. Especially with the help of my son, my wonderful fiance'/son's dad who understands and excepts my crazy mood swings, my mommy, who has always been my rock and my shoulder to cry on when this disease wears me down, and of course my doctors.

I sometimes HATE diabetes, but like my momma always told me, "It'll all come out in the wash, baby." ;)

Shayla Smith
Batesville, MS