"I'm not diabetic!"

I was 41 years old and starting a new, part time job. As part of employee health, they ran routine blood work and when I went back to talk to the nurse, she asked me how long I had been diabetic. I told her in no uncertain terms, "I'm not diabetic!" I told her she had the wrong chart...it wasn't me! Turns out she didn't...and I was. My sugar was over 400 and I went to my doctor the next week. On August 3, 2001, I was officially diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic. (I am now a 1.5.)

I lost a lot of weight in the beginning. Was so afraid to eat anything. After a while, I got the hang of things and found my own routine. In the beginning, did pretty good managing with the medicine. After several years, the pills weren't working any more. On July 2, 2011, after much debate, I started insulin shots. The roller coaster of highs and lows was awful. I felt so bad so often so I was willing for the insulin. I felt like such a failure. I had tried so hard to keep it under control and couldn't. I found a fabulous doctor who assured me I wasn't a failure and helped me through. It's all good now and I'm on it everyday! I stick my finger and take my shots diligently. I am never without my meter or my insulin. I am compliant. I have such wonderful support from my children and family and friends. I am so blessed with their understanding and love. I educate anyone who will listen. Others may not can "see" diabetes, but I sure can feel it!

This is a picture of my dog, Dolly, and me as we walked in my local ADA fundraiser walk last year. I made her bandana! We will walk again this year. I'm looking forward to the cure...but until then, I have it for it certainly doesn't have me!

Cindy Fullerton
Spartanburg, SC