I was the Chosen one

My story is simple, I have never felt sorry for myself, maybe scared and confused with a denial of it will go away. I felt that as a child of nine children, I was the chosen one, and accepting who I am and what I have to do to improve my health and not let the Diabetes destroy who I am or allow it to WIN. I try and educate people who ask, with questions and comments of "you don't look like a diabetic" Don't you hate taking shots? How do you do it, taking shots everyday I hate needles. I simple say, I don't look at it as a chore, I look at it as a challenge. I will continue to fight this fight with a positive attitude and doing the best I can to control my diabetes. After all I am the one that has to understand what I can and cannot eat. I appreciate all my friends and family who support me, and have been there for me with my good and bad moods and highs and low, especially my dear other half, who has seen me at my best and worse, I love you more than you will ever know. I thank my two dogs Zooey and Mavis who have been their when I have had my highs and lows, and wake me up. I want nothing more than to remain healthy, with over 20 years being a diabetic I have been grateful to not been hospitalized and remain in pretty good health. This is the year, this is the day I start to and continue to beat the D, after all I was the chosen one.


Teri Guinn Reinig
Milpitas, CA