I was pregnant and the doctors dismissed my concern...

I was 18 weeks pregnant and so thirsty, I couldn't get enough. I immediately called my OB/GYN and they didn't even ask me to come in. They told me this was a 'pregnancy craving'. I called every day for a week, I knew something was not right. I expressed my concern for diabetes and they told me that they do not test for gestational diabetes until 28 weeks.

Finally, to calm me down, they decided to do the glucose tolerance test. I went in, had my blood drawn, drank the liquid, went back to work. I went back an hour later to have my blood drawn again and went back to work. That afternoon I received a phone call from the nurse who first and foremost apologized for dismissing my concerns and then told me that my blood sugar was 366. I will never forget that number. I will never forget that call. I cried hysterically.

My sister called the endocrinologist who told her they were booking 8 months out but would see me IMMEDIATELY because I was pregnant. I was put on insulin injections and spent two days at their office learning how to draw up in injections, how and where to inject, how to correct lows, how to test, how to calculate dosages, etc.

My first trip to the grocery store, I cried. I had never realized how much sugar and carbs are in our foods. I felt alone, I felt like I'd never enjoy eating again. I was devastated and so was my husband and our families.

I've given birth to two healthy boys and been through incredible trials. I will never forget the love and support from all of my family and friends over the years. This struggle is NOT easy and is very frustrating but this disease will not define me!

Clearwater, FL