i took my first shot at 8yrs old

I have been on shots since i was 8 . They said i wouldnt make it I almost died 26 times. They said i would never have babies, I have a beautiful girl and a boy. They said after my daughter was born I wouldnt make it she is 8 now and ill be 36 dec 22 . I have diabites and im a suvivor even though they said I wouldnt make it. You can I can and will beat this 4shots a day pain in the butt issue. I am without insurance and thank goodness for great training and being carefull . Hoping for a cure is always on my mind. When i get a cold or flu i fear the worst because im a brittle diabetic and have no insurance. No one in my family has it I got a bad case of the mumps n it killed my pancrease completly. But so far iv beat deth 26 times haf two beautiful children and married 15 yrs to a wondetful man who takes care of me when im sick. My blood sugars can go from good to bad in second as in normal one day to a rollet coast of highs 600 to lows 28 in a matter of an hr.....so please everu one please hope and fight for a cure . Im shooting for a transplant hopfully oneday...I too will continue to fight . Many dont understand the severity and different typs and issues there are relating to juveniel diabites which it my type. If thete is any free help for me out there please let me know my insulin reg is starting not to work well i neef help i dint want to miss out on my beautiful miricals from Gods lives.

Sarah M Vargas
zebulon, NC