I have type 1 diabetes

I was just a normally healthy girl until one day My mum noticed started loosing weight,drinking more and getting more tired. So she took me to the doctors all worried because she couldn't understand why I was all a sudden this was happening, I was crying my self because I couldn't understand why I was in the doctors. So when then doctors called us in to see us my mum explained what was happening so then they said she will need blood test done and other test, they said they think it was diabetes but they want to double check, so they started to take my blood and tested my finger(at this point I was crying even more)and they said she need to go straight to hospital ,so my mum was getting more worried.

We got to the hospital and they told my mum I had diabetes,I couldn't understand what was happening. So at the age of 5 I found out I had diabetes, I had to stay in the hospital for 3 months until they could find out how to control it the best for me. After the 3 months of being in hospital I finally got to go home but the day I had to go home I had to let my mum do my injects it took me a good 2 hours to let her do it to me, so then when I let her we got to go home but I was still confused what was happening because I still couldn't understand, until I got older I started to understand more and more.

Then I started to learn how to do my injections my self, my mum learnt me how to do them on a orange and since that day I done them my self.
But from the day I found out I had diabetes I still struggle coping that I have diabetes, I am now 16 years old and I still struggle, but I have learnt I got my family to help me through it because I know diabetes is never going to go away

Chloe moore
Kirkby-in-ashfield, United Kingdom