I celebrate my Diabetes!

During this month of thankfulness. I am thankful for my Diabetes. I was thirteen years old when I was diagnosed. I had been ill for weeks and it was my mother and aunt who persuaded me to go to the doctor, where my mother was told by the nurse “she was overreacting” and she was simply a “nervous parent”. Some images you hold on to all of your life, and the image of my father’s silhouette outlined by the sun in front of the glass doors outside of the Principal’s office is one of those images for me. It seemed like it took me ten minutes to get down the hall to him. He was the first to tell me I was Diabetic.
During this season of thankfulness I am thankful for my Diabetes. The journey that it has taken me on; the lessons that it has taught me; the amazing people who I have had the pleasure of meeting. I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I was not Diabetic, what a meal would be like without planning, testing, covering. However, I would not change my life for anything. Diabetes led me to a career in nursing, where every day I meet amazingly strong patients with equally amazing family members.It is refreshing to know that there is good in this world.
Diabetes has forced me to look at challenges in a different light than if I were "healthy". I have a better perspective of what a "road block" is. I have full confidence that if I can conquer Diabetes, I can truly do WHATEVER I put my mind to.
Yes; I am LUCKY, I am THANKFUL, I have so many reasons to LOVE life and appreciate the little things. I owe my life to my WONDERFUL family. Diabetes made me the person I am today, and I love that person! I will continue to celebrate, because that is what life is: a sequence of beautiful daily victories! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! CELEBRATE your Diabetes Victories!!!

Greenville, PA