How I Saved Myself

I had just battled 7 months of mononucleosis, staying out of school for almost an entire year and being home schooled, and losing 15lbs from feeling sick 24/7. My mother thought it was because I was anorexic, but no matter how much I told her I wanted to eat but would just get sick again, she wouldn't listen to me and just continue to ignore me. It was just a few days after my 16th birthday, when on January 1st, 2009 I become more paranoid about what might be wrong with me, as nothing had gotten any better. I started to look up my symptoms online and diabetes was the first thing that popped up. I realized I had those symptoms and I needed medical attention right away. I told my mother right then, and she told me I wasn't diabetic and I wasn't sick, I was just looking for attention. That night, like all other nights, I drank another 8 bottles of water throughout my sleep. I showed my mom the next morning and I told her if she didn't take me to the doctor, I would go myself, because I did not want to die. 6 days later she finally took me to the doctor. As soon as the doctor walked in, I told her I was diabetic and I needed to go to the hospital. My mother told her not to listen to me, but the doctor told me to do a urinalysis. About 10 minutes later, she came back into the room and looked my mom dead in the eyes and told her "Your daughter is diabetic. She's really sick. You should have listened to her sooner, you could have killed her." Of course, my reaction wasn't sadness, but relief that I knew that I was right and that I was going to be okay. Today, I go to Pharmacy school and although I might have a ways to go, I still thank my family for helping me with this horrible disease and helping me get through school. I couldn't have done it without them. 01/08/09.<3

Santa Rosa Beach, FL