how i became diabetic

I was diagnosed at the age of 19 in 2011, Diabetes runs in my family but I never thought it would skip generations to me. Mine is different from normal type 1 and here's how....

One week every three months I became sick and it was always like clockwork, and I was in so much pain that the only way I was able to make myself comfortable was to crouch into a ball on my side in my bed, and that was how I would spend the whole week. I had no appetite but was drinking like there was no water left on the earth. I went to several doctors who told me that it was ether a really bad UTI or kidney stones, and they told me to drink plenty of Gatorade to cover the amounts of drinks I was consuming for my electrolytes. Sugar!!!!!! :/

It wasn't till I was at work one day and I was getting my pain again, it would usually start in the chest then work its way around to my stomach, but this time I was coughing up blood. So I decided to go to the ER, they checked me out and gave me two bags of fluid but I couldn't pee so they immediately took me to ICU and that's when they started putting tubes down my throat and the next thing I knew I woke up two weeks later, being told my the doctors that I had been in a medical induced coma because all of my organs were shutting down and that I had pancreatitis, my trig levels where in the 10,000s, which is why my diabetes is different, but then again every diabetic is different. I can't eat any red meat, alcohol, not a lot of carbs, and I have to watch the fat in my blood or I could have another attack. Its a daily struggle of 4 injections a day and pills.

But I'm not going to let it control my life, I can still live like everyone else just in a different way :)

rebekah watts
palm beach county, FL