How diabetes change my sons life

My son Alex was 13 when he was diagnosed with T1D. He had been ill the weekend before with vomiting,urinating alot and very thirsty, he also complained of stomach pain. We just thought he had some kind of stomach illness. We took him to the dr. the following Monday and they gave us the life changing news, our son had T1D! We were devastated,our athletic son whom played baseball,basketball and soccer was ill??? We were sent to Riley Hospital in Indianapolis,Indiana and were trained to start this new life. Alex did so well learning how to calculate carbs and give injections! We were so proud, he was taking this news alot better than his Dad and I. Alex is now 16 and continues to play baseball,basketball and soccer. He has to check his blood sugars many times during games, making sure his BS doesn't go low or go to high, a slight change in numbers could effect the way he performs during games. Alex is very brave as he battles this disease and he lives a normal life everyday!

Bedford, IN