Hanging in there!

My daughter Brianna is 18, diagnosed 2 years ago. For years it was a strong thirst and going to the bathroom alot. I asked her Dr repeatedly to test her. He refused, said there was nothing wrong with her. Sadly, she did have it, type 1. She didnt take it very well. She was in the hospital for for 5 days. On her 5th day, we lost her dad to a heart attack. Everything just escalated from there. She was so distraught, her sugar was uncontrollable. She missed the majority of her junior year and saw a therapist. She was in so much pain, she wanted to end it all. She lost 35 pounds and you could see her bones. In a year, my child was unrecognizable. She is much better now and is in college. Sugar is still high, even with the pump. Its a struggle for her everyday, but she's tough. I am I much better mom for going through this. Wasnt sure for awhile we would make it. My daughter is an inspiration to me and I love her very much!

Federalsburg, MD