Getting better every day

I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes 4 years ago. At the time I weighed 280lbs (I'm 5'10" tall). I was put on Metformin and insulin (12 unit once a day).
Since that time, through changes in my diet and plenty of exercise, I have managed to get my weight down to 190lbs, where it has been for almost 18 months now. After my last physical exam and A1c test, my doctor decided to take me off of Metformin and put me on Glyburide instead, he joked that I almost no longer could be considered Diabetic at all!
I am currently eating a high protein/low carb diet, with plenty of fruit (especially grapes and bananas), veggies, and nuts. I also walk and ride my bicycle for any trips less than 5 miles and walk my dog a mile to and from the park, twice a day for exercise. It is my intention to get down to about 185lbs, but safely and over time.

My A1c tests have been steadily improving and I ruddy well intend to keep it that way! With determination and patience, I KNOW that I will reach my goals!
While there may be no cure for Diabetes (yet), I consider myself to be living proof that a person CAN learn to make the required lifestyle changes to live quite well with the condition. I have never been physically healthier, aside from the condition of course, and as a result, I am in a better frame of mind generally speaking.
Life IS worth living!

Richard J Lacroix
Pontiac, MI