From the age of four.

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of four in 1999.
I can't remember life before it, its always been a constant in my life and I've always found it difficult to control because I've felt excluded for having to eat differently than other children. However in 2002 I took a bad and had a sever hypo while in school, it was then that my friends started to realise how bad it could be.
Now that I'm almost I can say that not to much has changed, however I need to consider my future, I'm studying sports and need a healthy body, when I was first diagnosed I lost a lot of body weight at a young age and I have always found it hard to put any back on, I love nothing more than a good workout but due to my control there isn't much benefit.
I see what a lack of glucose control can do through my gran and I'm looking forward to getting everything back on track. A healthy lifestyle can help with the control I am finding so far, and i am starting to feel more of the benefits.

Peter Dymond
John O' Groats, United Kingdom