Fighting the fight with my son.

Hello! A week and a half after my 10th birthday, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. At the time, I didn't know what was going on or even what diabetes was. All I knew was that it was Thanksgiving and I was in the hospital being poked every couple of hours. My parents were a great support team and tried their best to give me a "normal" life. My whole family had to make sacrifices for my new lifestyle, especially my two younger brothers. I had the best support system a diabetic could ask for.

When I was in my late 20s and early 30s, I had two amazing pregnancies. Both times I was blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy. After the birth of my youngest son, I developed Rheumatoid Arthritis. But, as long as my boys were healthy...I could handle anything!

In April of this year, my BIGGEST fear became reality. My youngest son, who was 4 at the time, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Ironically, he was diagnosed a week and a half before his 5th birthday. His doctors think that he may have Celiac Disease as well. So, not only did he have to adjust to eating a set amount at designated times, but we now have to cut out gluten too. But through it all, he has been such a little trooper. Lucas is my inspiration to become healthier and to never give up fighting diabetes, and any other autoimmune disease. Hopefully we won't acquire any more...we have enough!

Lucas, Joe (his Dad and my husband), J.J. (his big brother and my oldest son) and I, along with all of our family and friends, will never stop hoping for a cure to Type 1 Diabetes.

Kersey, PA