Fight On

In 2011, I was feeling dizzy and couldn't break it. My doctors thought it was just high blood pressure and prescribed medication. The dizziness persisted for almost 2 weeks to where I could barely do my job. Finally one doctor thought to run all the basics and when my blood sugar came back as 580, we knew what it was. I was diagnosed with Type 2 (as many in my family), and was scared out of my mind. But when I sat down with my doctor, I told her I don't like needles and I'm a fighter. Being placed on Metformin, I started eating healthy and exercising every day. Inspiring many people with unique recipes and little tid bits to get through a normal day, I felt great about myself. I starting riding my bike every day. This past year I road the Tour de Cure for diabetes and survived 30 miles, then after that did a metric century (62.5 miles) up and down the hills of Pittsburgh. I amaze myself some days, but still have to fight that diabetes beast every day. I try to help as many people with my story and giving different ideas. This year I'm volunteering with the American Diabetes Assocation with the bike ride and plan on doing 50 miles. Also keeping the 50lbs I lost off and hopefully lose another 30lbs to be at my reasonable weight. Just keep telling yourself "you can do it" and keep up the battle!!!!

Pittsburgh, PA